Mobile Distribution Under the Scheme of DigiShakti : Today, the world is revolving around technology. From keeping us connected to keeping us updated, the power of mobile phones is far-reaching. We can even say that mobile phone has become the need of the hour and also more than an electronic device.

Mobile Distribution Under the Scheme of DigiShakti

Mobile Distribution

Considering the importance of mobile phones nowadays, the UP Government took the initiative of distributing mobile phones to the students. Under the scheme of Digishakti, the UP government aimed to provide mobile phones to students in colleges.

In the first week of November, DDUMCians were provided with smartphones under the DigiShakti scheme to keep pace with digital learning and mobile learning concepts in the presence of the honorable representative of the DigiShakti scheme, Managing Director of DDUMC– Dr. Mayank Agarwal, and Director- Dr. Nirdesh Vashistha.

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